Activate Positive Change this Earth Day with 50% off at #UnSchoolsOnline!

It’s almost Earth Day again and whilst we truly believe that every day should be Earth Day, we are always excited to join in the celebration of the big blue beautiful dot we call home. 

So from April 20-22, we are doing a flash sale with 50% off everything at UnSchools Online*! This includes all our brain-activating courses, engaging digital toolkits, paradigm-shifting handbooks,  our new skills badges that help you show off your smarts, and even the brand new 3 Dimensions of Sustainability in Business 4-Week Sprint course!

🌏  Use code ‘earthday21’ at checkout to get your smartypants discount from April 20-22! 🌍

*For all subscriptions, tracks and payment plans, 50% will be taken off your first month’s payment only.

This year, EarthDay.Org is running not just one, but 3 days of climate action throughout April 20-22. Since we know that bridging the gap between wanting to do something and actually doing something requires knowledge, tools and activation, which when applied breeds confidence and results — we want to provide you with positive feedback loops that help you start or continue in making positive change for the planet! 

We’ve said many times before, and we will keep screaming whenever we can, we need to be celebrating and protecting our beautiful life-giving planet and shared home every single effing day. 

Last year, our founder Leyla Acaroglu wrote a perspective on Earth Day 50 (which happened in 2020) where she said: 

The tragic trade-off of our expansion and domination over the globe is all too obvious. Take a peek at any one of the exponentially-growing environmental concerns: ocean plastic waste, air pollution, deforestation, the Sixth Great Extinction, climate change. As we sit stuck in our homes, lamenting and stressing about the killer virus sweeping through our communities and blaming it on bats, we forget that we made all of this mess. We destroyed the habitats, we created the market for live animals, we facilitated the air pollution and environmental conditions that are starting to be correlated with high death rates of COVID-19. We lit the match that started the fire, and we are responsible for finding the means to extinguish it without destroying the place in the process. 

Humanity is completely reliant on Earth’s majesty, and it’s time for us, as a species, to get our shit together and respect the systems that sustain our very existence. Let’s commit together to activating our individual agency to help contribute to the needed collective change, and as creative rebels, as individuals, as business leaders, as government representatives--whoever you are and whatever you do, just get activated in making change so that every day, we celebrate the splendid life we get to live on Earth.

“There is no other known life-support system in the entire universe as magical as this one, the one you are on, right now, orbiting a sun whilst being orbited by a moon, whilst moving through space. This life-giving beauty is our home, and for some magical reason, it gave you and me and all the other things here life. This life we were given requires us to breathe air to survive. Do you see that tree or little bit of green trying to get up through the cracks on the pavement? Its entire system of existence, the fractals that formed its repeating design of leaves and branches and roots — these are the same building blocks that we are made of.” - Leyla Acaroglu, Why Every Day Should be Earth Day

Making change does not have to cost money either! Here are three free things you can get right now: 

  1. If you want to help activate your organization this Earth Day, download our new (free!) action-oriented toolkit, the 3D Sustainability in Business Framework Free Starter Kit.

  2. Making change is easier when you have like-minded friends! Download our new community app here for desktop or search ‘UnSchools’ on your mobile phone’s app store to start connecting. You get the first 30 days for free! 

  3. Check out all our free resources and find your superpowers with our free Everyday Superpowers toolkit.